The activities are differentiated according to the age, number and specific characteristics of the participants and aim both to learn techniques and skills relating to the world of theatre and artistic expression, and to develop relational skills and share significant emotional experiences.

The workshops may take place in stages or in single meetings and may be aimed at the creation of a final performance.

Laboratory of theatrical expression and philosophical practice for secondary schools.
The workshop is a moment of exploration of one's own expressive tools: body, gesture, voice, imagination. Theatre, as a vehicle for an aesthetic and emotional experience and for artistic creation, offers the possibility of reworking the world through the experience of art, movement and relationships. Moreover, using an interdisciplinary language, it involves the whole psychophysical nature of the individual. The theatre is therefore not just a means of communicating ideas: it is a way of creating them, of experiencing them in an aesthetic way as well as shaping knowledge in new ways.
Workshop on artistic and motor skills for primary schools.
The workshop is an introduction to the world of puppetry. Each introduced by the performance presentation of an imaginary creature (the Chimera, the Sphinx, the Hydra, the Siren, etc.) taken from Greek, Roman or Oriental mythology. The children will be given different materials, imaginative suggestions, sound atmospheres, so that each child can develop his or her expressive abilities in a unique and personal way. During the workshop there will be several phases of work: self-discovery, relationship with others, interaction with the group, personal and collective creation.
thing to ...
Laboratorio di espressività artistica e motoria per la scuola dell’infanzia.
Starting from the performative reading of the illustrated book " Witchy things” the children are asked to identify some characters of the classic fairy tales (wolves, witches, fairies, kings, toads, ...) reversing their roles and unhinging gender stereotypes through fantasy. The children will have the opportunity to experience their own body’s possibilities, giving life to a real character by telling his own personal and unrepeatable story.

Online workshops
In case of need, the workshops can be carried out in online mode through digital platforms (Zoom, Meet, Teams).